Thursday, May 20, 2010

My First Official Blog

Here we go! I am going to blog about my life and its awesomeness and of the sweet luxury that I enjoy (ahem). Then, after I garnish a following some fancy publisher is going to offer me thousands of dollars to bind up my ramblings and publish a book that will keep myself and my family financially secure for generations to come. I will be the next Julie Powell (of Julie and Julia fame) without the annoying bits-but all of the funny bits of course.

You, my audience, will tune in to see what sort of mischief I get myself into and will enjoy our time spent together. First, I insist, that you get some coffee, pot or alcohol because I am infinitely more witty and hilarious with any of these substances coursing through your veins.

Now, you might be asking yourself-why "Oh Sweet Luxury!?" and I would have to say is that I chose this as my title because a) I like the way it looks and b) I am feeling pretty grateful to the gods of luxury right now because I have secured a cleaning persons to come and visit our humble aboad next week. Apparently she will clean and organize my closet for me-which is a major undertaking because I have given up on this task and tend to just shove things in there-which is not very nice to the closet or my things. Thus, I feel fancy.

So...welcome, I guess one would welcome guests to their blog. Please feel free to leave me notes and tell me how awesome I am.


  1. You are indeed awesome- and I am jealous of your cleaning person. Mine quit because my house was too dirty for him.

  2. Awesome is as awesome does and you are awesomely awesome as awesomeness comes.
