Friday, June 18, 2010

Things to Worry About

There are many things that I worry about when it comes to Jack. Is he growing right? Is he happy? Am I stimulating him enough during the day in order to set him up for future success? I worry about driving the car and other people on the road when he is in the backseat. I worry if his diaper rash is going to go away. I worry that I am filling up the landfill every time we toss a disposable diaper out and then I worry that I forget to put out the dirty cloth diapers on time for pick-up. I worry that he is going to pinch his fingers, or get a splinter or break an appendage. I worry that eating that one piece of dog food will reek havoc on his little digestive system. I worry that he might get food poisoning from bad milk, or cheese or broccoli. I worry that he is gets not enough sleep or too much sleep. I worry about putting him in child care, I worry that we should have done it sooner. I worry that I am not working and I worry that I am taking too many things on with classes and other activities. I just worry, worry, worry.

However, the one thing I don't worry about is how much I love him and how much he loves me.

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