Saturday, September 11, 2010

Damn, Fall is Here!!

First, a terrible dream-last night I had a dream where I had missed autumn. This is especially horrific for me because autumn is my favorite season-the layers, the pumpkin spiced lattes (Starbucks, I'm talking to you) and the trees changing colors.

Now, with Jack around fall is so much more fun, specifically planning his Halloween costume. There are always so many choices, last year we went with "baby F1 driver" and I think we are heavily leaning toward either baby Yoda or baby Ewok. This also means that Paul and I will invest in brown Jedi robes and plastic light sabers. Maybe we will even take him trick or treating to our neighbor's houses (of course we will eat his candy).

I could write forever about how much I love this damn season. Suddenly everything becomes brighter and better and most of this hinges on the fact that I can wear tights and not sweat. Seriously though folks, I need to buckle down and blog. It has been neglected for too long. August was busy and so far September has provided much of the same distractions. School is under way (for both Jack and myself) and Jack now talks in halted sentences in between babbles. "Mama, no, wal wal." Means Mama, no, I would rather walk thanks. The separation anxiety is easing but it is never easy (or EZ, if you are familiar with Patrick Fiore of Le Petit Cafe fame in Bloomington, IN).

So with the passing of summer, comes the fall and so passes my baby into official toddler-hood. And the beat goes on.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I can't wait to see Jack's costume, whatever you decide to choose...

    And the talking! I love the talking! What a fun phase, huh?

    I have a couple books to return to you...Diary of a Part-time Indian was genius.
